On to 6th Grade: Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ is based on an average/typical school year.
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How are students organized at middle school?
Students are organized by grade level teams and advisory homerooms.
What is advisory?
Students meet with their advisory teacher at the start of each school day, review daily announcements, engage in community building activities, and participate in many special events throughout the school year with their advisory teacher and peers, and have their lockers located near their advisory homeroom when possible. Second Step social emotional curriculum and digital citizenship lessons are covered during advisory. The advisor can serve as the point person for parents/guardians to contact for general school questions.
Daily class schedules consist of the following:
- 9 class periods per day
- Advisory (Daily)
- Students meet with their advisor each school day for 10 minutes.
- Students are expected to be in their advisory classroom by 8:00 a.m.
- Extended advisory classes are 30 minutes and are scheduled weekly throughout the school year for specific purposes such as Second Step SEL lessons, Digital Citizenship lessons, and team and community building activities.
- Core Classes(Daily)
- Math
- English Language Arts (ELA) (2-period block)
- Science
- Social Studies
- Foreign Language
- Spanish
- Reading and/or Math Intervention (Daily depending on student individual needs and qualification)
- Learning Enrichment
- Physical Education
- Students rotate through PE, Experiential Education (EE), Health, and Fitness
- Specials (42 minutes)
- 6th Grade Trimester Rotation: STEAM, Art, General Music/Choir
- Concert and Symphonic Band (individually scheduled classes and rehearsals)
- Lunch and Recess
- 42 minutes (split in half between lunch and recess)
- Recess is held outdoors weather permitting each day. Students are expected to come dressed appropriately for the weather to participate in daily outdoor recess.
*Schedules and classes are individualized by student needs and programs. Students receive special education services and meet with individual service providers as indicated by their IEP or 504 and as needed throughout the school day.
How much time are students given to transition between classes?
Students have three (3) minutes in between classes to move to their next class. Bells are used to indicate the end and beginning of each class. Students who arrive late to class are marked tardy to class. Hallways are monitored during passing periods by staff.
When will my 6th grader receive their schedule?
- Student schedules will be shared with parents and guardians via PowerSchool on Friday, August 9th.
- Hard copies of student schedules will also be mailed home to families on August 9th.
- Schedules include classes, room numbers, teachers, assigned lockers, and transportation information.
- Details regarding online registration, important dates, and deadlines will be sent home via email and mail throughout the summer. Registration information can be found on the District 73.5 website.
- Schedules are determined by a variety of factors including available programming and student needs. We do not take individual parent/guardian requests for specific teachers.
What supplies will my child need for school?
- The Supply List can be found online on the McCracken school website.
- Parents and guardians can pre-order school supplies through SchoolKidz. Information about purchasing this kit is shared with families by the district in May. Kits can be picked up on the August school supply pick up day or will be placed in student’s advisory classrooms on the first day of school.
- A copy of the 6th grade supply list can be found HERE.
There are a variety of extracurricular activities available for students to participate in throughout the school year. We encourage students to get involved in our McCracken school community. We are fortunate to have many staff members willing to sponsor after school athletic and club activities.
What sports are available in middle school?
(all sports are dependent upon student participation and staff sponsorship)
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Cheerleading (7th and 8th grade only)
- Cross Country
IMPORTANT: All of our athletics teams are fee based and require students to have a current physical form on file with the school nurse in order to participate. Students who do not have the required paperwork will not be allowed to participate. There are no exceptions as we must follow district and State of Illinois guidelines. Parents and guardians can reach out to the nurse’s office to check the date of the physical form we have on file.
What extracurricular clubs and activities are available to my 6th grader? (offerings vary by year)
- All School Read
- Art Crew
- Assyrian Club
- Band
- Book Club
- BuzzBot Robotics
- Chess Club
- Crafternoons
- Garden Club
- Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
- Global Music Club
- Helping Hornets
- Hornet Harmony
- Knitting and Crocheting Club
- LatinX Club
- McCracken Musical
- Orchestra
- Red Ribbon Committee
- Social Justice Club
- Spelling Bee
- Student Ambassadors
- Student Council
- Wrestling Club
- Writer’s Club
- Yearbook
When is the first bell?
The first bell rings at 7:50 a.m. Students are expected to be in their advisory class no later than 8:00 a.m. Students will be marked tardy if they enter their advisory classroom after 8:00 a.m.
What time is dismissal?
Students are dismissed daily at 2:57 p.m. (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday).
What day is early release?
Students are dismissed on Tuesdays at 1:57 p.m. to allow for staff professional development.
When is the McCracken main office open?
Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The phone number is 847-673-1220.
What do I need to do if my student is sick?
Call 847-676-8235 before 8:00 a.m. if your child will be absent from school. Families may now sign in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal account to record their child’s absence! There is more information about this process in the Attendance Monitor Parent/Guardian Guide on the website. If a student is absent from school for two or more days and has access to the internet, they are expected to access teacher Google sites for homework assignments. A "chronic or habitual truant" is a child who is absent without valid cause for 5 percent or more of the required regular attendance days. Except for cases of prolonged illness, students who are absent more than 10 times in a semester or more than 6 times in a trimester will be referred to an Attendance Review Board consisting of administration, the Nurse/Health Clerk, School Counselor, and/or Social Worker to determine any needed supports for the student.
What happens if my student is late for school?
Students must be in their advisory class when the 8:00 a.m. bell rings. Our main doors open at 7:50 a.m. Advisors will take attendance promptly at 8:00 a.m. and mark any students not present as "absent." Students who are not in Advisory by 8:00 a.m. but are present in the school building are considered tardy. Students who have three or more tardies in a trimester will be referred to the Assistant Principal where follow-up action may include, but is not limited to, a call from the school nurse, student support staff member contact, conference with an administrator, and/or issuing consequences such as engaging in a restorative reflection. Conferences with parents may be requested to discuss how best to support the student's on-time arrival, which may include an individualized tardy plan. Our goal is to support students and families in consistent and on-time arrival to school to maximize student growth and learning. ► All About Attendance
Board policies can be found on the District 73.5 website.
Where do 6th grade students enter the building?
Sixth grade students enter the building through Door 12 near the alley entrance on East Prairie Road. Sixth grade students are asked to enter at the main entrance via the Circle Drive after 8:00 a.m. There is a doorbell located on the wall next to the main entrance (Door 1).
How do I know where my child’s bus stop is and when the bus comes?
Bus route information will be emailed to families and students will receive bus passes in the mail or in their advisory class on the first day of school.
Can students ride a different bus to go to a friend’s house after school?
No. For safety and consistency, students are not permitted to ride a bus that they are not assigned to. Students must get off the bus at their bus stop only. Families with special circumstances may contact the McCracken main office to request route changes.
Can McCracken students ride bikes to school?
Students may ride bikes to school, but will be required to walk the bike once entering school grounds. Students are encouraged to bring locks and to lock their bikes on the bike racks located near Door 12.
Can students ride skateboards and scooters to school?
Skateboards and scooters are discouraged due to lack of storage in lockers. Students are not allowed to ride these items on school property.
Students should be dropped off and picked up in the McCracken Circle Drive on East Prairie Road. Drivers should enter the Circle Drive slowly and carefully making sure to watch for students and other cars at all times. Pick up and drop off from the right lane only. Wait time should be expected during inclement weather. Students are not allowed to be dropped off or picked up on the other side of East Prairie Road as they cannot cross the street independently for safety reasons unless at Warren with a crossing guard.
Students who walk to school should cross busy streets only where there are traffic signals or crossing guards. To ensure student safety, students are prohibited from crossing Oakton at East Prairie unless accompanied by an adult. A crossing guard is stationed on the corner of Oakton and Crawford for this purpose. Students are also not permitted to cross East Prairie directly in front of our school without assistance. An adult supervisor will walk students across East Prairie at Warren.
Can students have cell phones at school?
Students are allowed to bring their cell phone to school but will be asked to keep it out of sight and silent during the school day at all times (and placed away in the backpack or locker). Students who use their cell phone or any personal device during the school day without permission may be subject to consequences. Students who repeatedly violate this policy may be placed on an individual phone plan. This can include keeping the phone in the office during the school day for a period of time.
Can students wear smartwatches at school?
Smartwatches can be worn as long as they are not used for two-way communication or as a cell phone.
What if my child violates the cell phone procedure?
Consequences for cell phone violations are outlined in the Student/Family Handbook.
What if there is an emergency and my child needs to reach me or I need to reach my child during the school day?
- Students may use the phone in the school office if necessary during the school day.
- Parents and guardians may call the school office in the case of an emergency.
- Should the school need to contact parents in the event of an emergency during the school day, messages will be sent to parents via email, text, and/or phone.
What are the expectations for Chromebooks?
- Each student will be issued a Chromebook at the beginning of the school year.
- Students bring devices home every day.
- Chromebooks are expected to be fully charged and ready for learning each day.
- Students/families are expected to review and adhere to the acceptable use policy (more information can be found in the Student/Family Handbook).
How do I know my child is safe while using the Internet?
Digital citizenship is covered at the beginning of the year through PBIS student rotations. Digital Citizenship lessons are also integrated through core and Specials classes in addition to advisory Social and Emotional Learning curriculum. SecURLy is a 24/7 monitoring tool that filters and blocks some internet content and allows administrators and parents to track how students are using their devices. Student activity on the Chromebook will be reviewed as needed and school administrators will address any concerns or violations as outlined in the student handbook. Students who engage in disrespectful or unsafe behaviors online may be subject to consequences at school. Parents and guardians are encouraged to regularly monitor their child’s personal social media accounts for safety. ► Top Technology Tips
Our goal at McCracken is to partner with families to establish and maintain a safe educational environment where all students are able to reach their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally. We explicitly teach, model, and reinforce clear and specific behavior expectations. Staff members guide students through challenging situations using a problem solving approach which encourages students to reflect on their actions, accept responsibility, empathize with others, and repair relationships. Consequences are equitable, logically determined, related to students’ behavior, and developmentally appropriate to the age of the child.
How do I get and share information with the school/teachers?
- School and District websites
- The Weekly Newsletter
- Social media
- Skokie735 on Facebook
- @Skokie735 on Twitter (now called X)
- SMS Text Messages
- Phone calls, voicemail messages
Keep contact information up-to-date in PowerSchool in order to receive emails, text messages, phone calls, etc. Please report any changes to your contact information to the school so we can update your PowerSchool account.
Do I need to fill out any forms for medication to be given to my child?
Yes. Health forms can be found on the District 73.5 website and must be completed for ANY medication (prescription and non-prescription, example: Tylenol) to be given.
Does my 6th grader need a physical?
Yes. Information about required physical and athletic forms, dental and vision exams, and immunizations can be found on the District 73.5 website.
Are students assigned their own locker?
Yes. All students are assigned a locker near their assigned advisory classroom when possible.
Can students decorate their lockers?
Students may decorate the inside of their lockers only. They can add small photos or other school appropriate items, but decorations must not interfere with opening and closing of the locker. NO TAPE OR GLUE may be used, only magnets.
Are students provided locks for their lockers?
Parents and guardians purchase locks from McCracken for hallway and PE lockers at the beginning of the school year. Students are strongly encouraged to keep their lockers locked at all times to protect their personal belongings. Students should NOT give out their locker combinations to anyone.
How much do locks cost?
Locks can be purchased online via School Fees on the RevTrak web store.
Visit the Food, Nutrition, and Wellness webpage for more information.
Does McCracken Middle School serve breakfast?
Yes. Breakfast a la carte items are available in the cafeteria before school from 7:30 to 7:50 a.m. Students must have money in their lunch account to purchase food items.
What are my student’s options for lunch?
Students may bring their own lunch or purchase a lunch from the school district’s food service in the cafeteria.
How does my student pay for lunch?
Each student receives a Lunch I.D. card to charge their lunch and snacks. It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure that their child has funds deposited into their account. Parents will receive notification when more money is needed in their child's account. Parents can monitor their student’s lunch account balances online. Parents are encouraged to add money to their student’s account online through our MealTime system at https://www.mymealtime.com. If you have additional questions about the lunch and breakfast program, please contact the Business Office at 847-676-8317.
Do students have P.E. every day?
Are students required to wear a uniform for P.E.?
Yes. Students change into P.E. clothes using locker rooms for Physical Education classes each day. P.E. clothes should come home with students each week to be washed.
Are students provided a gym locker and do they require a lock?
Yes. Students will be issued a gym locker and they are expected to purchase a school issued lock only.
Is there a cost for P.E. uniforms?
Gym uniforms can be purchased online via School Fees on the RevTrak Web Store.
What if my student is injured and cannot participate in P.E.?
Families will need to provide documentation of any injury to the school nurse if their student is unable to participate in P.E.
All visitors will be required to show a picture ID to be scanned through the district identification security system. ALL visitors are required to check in at the main office before entering the building. Interior and exterior cameras are in use at all times.
McCracken Middle School is committed to providing a safe, comfortable learning environment for all students. Here at McCracken, we have preventative programs such as Second Step, PBIS, CHAMPS, social and emotional skill groups, care cards, and peer mediation that combat peer conflict. However, with an increasingly digital world, we want to provide students, families, and community members with an opportunity to make reports using our online Student Safety Reporting Form which is available through our school website. This form encourages students, parents, and staff to report serious safety concerns to the McCracken administration confidentially. Families should contact 911 in cases of emergencies. If the form is completed outside of school hours, please note that the incident will be reviewed and investigated as soon as possible during school hours.
Parents and families are always welcome to contact the school office at 847-673-1220 during school hours to connect with a member of the administrative team. We reserve the right to contact parents directly regarding any situation that involves student safety concerns.
Students are expected to refrain from bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment), using racial or ethnic slurs, or other behaviors that degrade another's dignity or target another’s race, sex, nationality/ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. If bullying, including cyberbullying, goes on outside of school and it is impacting the learning environment in school, a student may earn disciplinary consequences. (Board Policy 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited and Board Policy 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure)
School board policy prohibits students from displaying aggressive behavior while at school that causes physical or psychological harm to someone else and/or urges other students to engage in such conduct. Prohibited aggressive behavior includes, without limitation, the use of violence, force, noise, coercion, threats, intimidation, fear, bullying, or other comparable conduct. Illinois law requires a school district to notify the parent or guardian of a child who engages in aggressive behavior, including bullying. (Board Policy 7:190 Student Behavior and Board Policy 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment) The failure to provide such notification does not limit the Board's authority to impose discipline, including suspension or expulsion, for such behavior. (Board Policy 7:200 Suspension Procedures and Board Policy 7:210 Expulsion Procedures) Efforts, including the use of early intervention and progressive discipline, shall be made to deter students, while at school or a school-related event, from engaging in aggressive behavior.
The Skokie73.5 Student/Family Handbook is updated annually and can be accessed digitally through the district website. The purpose of the handbook is to inform families and students of district and school practices, procedures, and rules. Within the Student/Family Handbook, you will find information about day-to-day operations, as well as some technical language relating to your rights, your child’s rights, and legal obligations of the school district. It is essential that all members of our school community be informed of the rules to ensure an optimal learning environment for all. Please know that the handbook is not all-inclusive. Individual schools may have practices and procedures that are not included in this document. Policies and procedures may also change during the school year. Policies are available for review online and in the District Office. During the first two weeks of school, staff will review sections of the handbook with all students. Please read the handbook and review the rules with your child. If you would like clarification on any item included in this handbook, please feel free to contact us.
When is the first day of school?
The first day of school for McCracken students is Wednesday, August 21, 2024.
When will 6th grade students receive a tour of the school building?
Sixth grade students visit McCracken Middle School during the school year in May, accompanied by their 5th grade teachers. Students will receive a tour, visit classrooms, and speak to members of the 6th grade team and 6th grade student ambassadors.
When will families be expected to pick up schedules, gym uniforms, locks, and SchoolKidz Supply Kits?
Schedules will be available online by Friday, August 9th on PowerSchool and a hard copy will be mailed home.
Families can pre-order SchoolKidz supply kits in May. Gym uniforms and locks can be pre-ordered on the District RevTrak web store and then picked up on Thursday, August 15th from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at McCracken. Parents can also purchase them in person on Thursday, August 15th.
4:00 to 6:00 p.m. (open house style); bring your child’s labeled supplies