About Our District
"Building a Foundation for Learning, Leadership & Life"
Skokie School District 73.5 has established a set of guiding principles. The principles represent the best thinking of District 73.5 staff, parents, students, and community members. These principles will continue to evolve as we grow and move forward. Our guiding principles...
- are intended to provide a clear sense of direction for our Strategic Plan, which will guide future curricular, extracurricular, financial, and system-wide initiatives
- will help align as well as inspire future actions and decisions
- will apply to all members of our school community-- staff, administrators, and residents of District 73.5
Our school will...
support and inspire our students.
Our students will be...
critical thinkers and creative problem solvers.
Our community will...
demonstrate integrity and respect.
Our graduates will...
help make the world a better place.
What sets District 73.5 apart from other districts?
Our Staff
- Our teachers are bright, creative and caring people who have been recognized for providing our students with an innovative curriculum that incorporates best practices, current research, and state of the art materials.
- Classrooms are child-centered, developmentally appropriate and focus on the process of learning and reflection about the learning process.
- We employ innovative staffing patterns, offer high-quality staff-development programs to our teachers and communicate frequently with parents.
- Our Board of Education supports continued staff development so teachers may attend conferences and workshops, visit exceptional education programs in other districts and work with consultants to develop and improve curriculum and instruction.
- A strategic plan, developed with the input of community members, parents, teachers and administrators, serves as a roadmap to guide our decisions in curricular, extracurricular, financial, and system-wide initiatives.
Our Instructional Program
- Our annual school improvement plans, developed by teachers, administrators, representative parents and students, have specific action plans that guide us through each year.
- We are proud of the services we provide to all students-including the limited English proficient, the talented and gifted and those with special needs. We have developed an array of programs for students who enter our school district below level in reading, vocabulary, writing and math and work to differentiate the curriculum so that every child can be successful.
- Our Instructional Technology resources allows faculty to implement and integrate technology solutions that enhance teaching and learning. For detailed information about Instructional Technology in District 73.5, please see the Instructional Technology section of this website.
- We provide students with academic support during and after school, offer supplemental reading and math programs and maintain a full range of services for students with special education needs. As a result of our efforts, our students consistently perform at the highest levels on state standardized tests. (See our School Report Cards)
- Teachers supplement and complement the curriculum with a myriad of activities before, during and after school, including Swing Choir, Middleton Choir, Photography Club, the annual school plays and service learning projects such as the McCracken Garden Club.
- Our music program is the best in the area, as evidenced by the many Symphonic Band awards won over the past 20 years, including "Honor Band" at the 2000, 2003, 2006, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017 Illinois Superstate Band Contest in Champaign/Urbana, Illinois.
Our Community:
- More than 50% of our students come from homes in which a language other than English is spoken-62 languages in all. Approximately 70% of our students have attended classes together since preschool or kindergarten. Our student population is more diverse economically, racially, religiously, linguistically and socially than most schools in the surrounding suburbs. Our community embraces and celebrates this diversity and appreciates the opportunity children and families have to interact and form friendships with a wide variety of people.
- Our district enjoys strong parent support and involvement. Parents volunteer regularly in our schools and we have senior citizens who work with our students as "Grandfriends" in classes at Middleton and Meyer.
Incorporated into our website is information about our Board of Education and links to each of the school websites. You will find information about our programs and budget. Our school report card and school improvement plans are also available.
For further information, please call us at 847-324-0509 or email questions and comments.