Extracurricular & Enrichment Programs

After school activities for students

After school programs include interscholastic athletic teams and a variety of enrichment activities. After school offerings may change from semester to semester, trimester to trimester, or from year to year. Most activities require a participation fee.

Hornet LogoMcCracken Extracurricular Programs

For information and details about McCracken Extracurricular Programs, please download the McCracken After School Programs Brochure.

  • Students are expected to follow all school rules and invest their best efforts in academic achievement.
  • Students must be in good academic standing and maintain a good behavior record in order to participate in extracurricular activities.
  • Students who are failing a class are not allowed to participate in extracurricular activities until they improve their grade.
  • Eligibility is determined on a weekly basis. Students will be removed temporarily if ineligible and permanently if ineligible for more than two weeks. Parents will be notified if such action is needed, and they have the right to request a conference with the Principal or after school activity sponsor to discuss the matter further.
  • For more information, please refer to the following sections in the Board Policy ManualSection 7:240 - Conduct Code for Participation in Extracurricular Activities, Section 7:300 - Extracurricular Athletics, and Section 6:190 - Extracurricular and Co-curricular Activities. 

Current medical forms, proof of accident insurance coverage, and a signed Concussion Information Sheet are required for students who try out for a team and/or participate in any after school athletic activities (including cheerleading) and must be presented prior to the first day of tryouts. Accident insurance coverage is also required for any student participating in an outdoor education trip. 

McCracken Enrichment Programs

At the beginning of the year, a program brochure with activity descriptions and a registration form is sent home. Programs may include but are not limited to Swing Choir, Student Council, Art Crew, and Yearbook. Most activities are scheduled ahead of time and are advertised in The Weekly (our Friday news bulletin), which is posted on the school website. Some extracurricular events are not included in the brochure such as team tryouts, rehearsals, and other special projects. These are shared by the extracurricular sponsor via morning announcements for students and/or in The McCracken Weekly for parents.

picture of a basketballInterscholastic Sports @ McCracken

McCracken has joined other Niles Township schools to offer interscholastic sports such as Junior Varsity and Varsity girls’ and boys’ soccer, basketball, volleyball, and girls' cheerleading. Also offered are 6th grade girls’ and boys’ basketball and volleyball. Interested students are required to tryout for these teams. Interscholastic sports involve after school practice sessions with the coaches in preparation for home and away games. Prior to tryouts, all students who wish to participate in interscholastic and intramural activities are required to have current medical forms on file. No food, candy, or drink is allowed at any athletic event. 


The mission of BOOST is for students to benefit from a positive, focused place to work with adult supervision and academic support to help students meet standards. BOOST is open to students three afternoons a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and provides students a quiet, focused space to complete assignments, as well as teacher assistance with organization and with any subject. Students are recommended for BOOST by their teachers, but can also attend without teacher recommendation. 

McCracken Learning Center

The Learning Center is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays until 3:55 p.m. At dismissal time (3:00 p.m.) students may visit the Learning Center to study and/or use Chromebooks. The Learning Center opens at 7:30 a.m. every school day to provide students with a quiet study place before classes begin. To be admitted to the Learning Center, students must arrive no later than 7:40 a.m. in the morning and no later than 3:15 p.m. in the afternoon.

Middleton Enrichment Programs

For information and details about Middleton Enrichment Programs, please visit the Middleton Enrichment Programs page and download the accompanying program brochure for the current school year.

Middleton Bulldog LogoMiddleton Enrichment Programs

A program brochure with a description of the activities offered and registration form is sent home with your child. After school programs may include music, the arts, and computer classes. These activities require a participation fee. Current medical forms and proof of accident insurance coverage are required for students who participate in any after school physical activities. Enrichment classes are offered during the first and second trimesters for eight weeks each.

Bus transportation is available for students participating in after school enrichment programs. Your child’s bus stop may be different than the bus stop for the regular bus route. Detailed bus information is included in the Enrichment Brochure. 

Middleton also offers a robust musical theatre program that immerses 4th and 5th grade students in the world of music, acting, and dance. Practices occur after school starting in January with performances in the spring. Participation information and workshop and audition schedules are typically posted each November, which can be found on the musical website

ShoesS.P.A.C.E. (Skokie’s Place for All Children in Extended Care)

This before and after school day care program, which is operated, staffed and billed by the Skokie Park District, is offered at Middleton School each school day to Middleton students. If your child is enrolled in an enrichment class and is in the S.P.A.C.E. program, attendance will be taken at both places. Children must be picked up by a parent, guardian, or other authorized person. Information about the S.P.A.C.E. program is available by calling the Skokie Park District at 847.674.1500 ext. 2742.